Unbuttoned Sleeves

Author: by Simone Forti, Terrence Luke Johnson, Sarah Swenson, Douglas Wadle
Publisher: Beyond Baroque Foundation (2006)

Paperback: 100 pages
Language: English
ISBN13: 978-1-892184-21-4

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Poetry. Drama. Art. In her second Beyond Baroque publication Simone Forti, legendary avant-garde pioneer, has created a work with Terrence Luke Johnson, Sarah Swenson, and Douglas Wadle that is a politically-charged experiment in democracy, applying the federal principle in the political realm to creation of text. Her style is often reminiscent of Kerouac and other Beat authors but without the macho swagger -Los Angeles Times. The result is a new model that’s not just about self-expression or the vision of one person…she has found a way to bring together different people with different visions in a democratic, pluralistic way –Fred Dewey.
