Elsa Dorlin – Travailler la violence #4

Friday November 29th –  4-8p.m.
Saturday November 30th – 3-7p.m. 
Elsa Dorlin Travailler la violence #4

How can we work on violence? How can we put into perspective, stage and retell it? How can we tear it to pieces? The purpose of this two day-long series of encounters, put together by the philosopher Elsa Dorlin, will be to update what critiques of violence teach us and to make an inventory of the various weapons of violence collected.
Travailler la violence #4 continues the work begun in 2021 and 2022 at the CN D (Centre national de la danse), in conjunction with the Festival d’Automne, bringing together research on the subject of violence and the issue of its objectification.

lsa Dorlin is a professor of contemporary political philosophy at the University of Toulouse Jean Jaurès, and she has been working for over twenty years on writing another history of bodies through a genealogy of modern power dynamics.

Books on the Move will be setting up its bookstore at CN D over the two days of the seminar, with a book selection related to the topic.

Centre national de la Danse, Pantin