Kazuo Ohno in conversastion at 86

Author: Kazuo Ohno
Label: NHK Enterprise (2006)

Runtime: 87 Minutes
Language: Japanese with subtitles in English, Italian, Spanish and French.
Format: Region code 0 (All)
ISBN13: 4-988066-153730

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1993 was a busy year for Kazuo Ohno. Notwithstanding his 86 years, he remained active, performing both internationally and throughout Japan. Early in the year, he presented “Admiring La Argentina” in Hong Kong; in August he participated in the Butoh Festival in Seoul, Korea. In the late autumn, he undertook a ten-city tour in the United States. In Japan, he performed in many different settings: from an outdoor performance of “Wolf” close to Mt. Fuji in May to his co-appearance with Kichikoma Wakayagi in the “Strength of Ageing” in Tokyo in August.

True to form, Ohno made an improvised appearance during the performance of the German saxophonist Peter Broezmann at the Goethe Institute Tokyo.

On April 30th, Ohno was interviewed at his home by the NHK director Toru Fukui. What begins as a straightforward question and answer session, quickly develops into Ohno addressing the concerns that he has asked himself throughout his long career. Ohno’s stream of words encapsulates a philosophy of life and his approach to dance, and ultimately, his steadfast conviction that dance and life are but one.