Nature Connection – a handbook of practices for therapy and self-exploration

AUTHORS: Margaret Kerr & Jana Lemke
PUBLISHER: Triarchy Press (2021)

PAPERBACK: 139 pages
ISBN13: 978-1-913743-12-3

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“…we are a part of nature and our relationship with the Earth is reciprocal. We cannot exist separately, and what we do as humans has powerful consequences for the ecosystems we are part of.
Experiencing ourselves as part of nature tends to an underlying wound we all carry – a subtle, ever-present feeling of disconnectedness that is clearly visible in our current lives and culture. Experiencing ourselves as part of nature opens up a larger community of life, unconditional acceptance and a deep feeling of belonging. The consequence of this journey is that it can motivate us to start tending the Earth’s ecological wounds and rebalancing our part in the web of life.” 

This compact handbook of nature practices can be used by anyone who wants to deepen their connection with the rest of nature. It is also designed to be used by people who work with others in personal development and healing – for example, coaches, therapists, ecotherapists and outdoor educators.