Contact Quarterly/Volume 41 #1

Publisher: Contact Editions (2016)
Paperback: 76 pages
Language: English

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3 Editor Note – Open Score: Resonant frequencies, by Nancy Stark Smith

4 Letters to CQ

5 CQ Survey Report

8 Shelf Life—publications received

9 CQ Birthday Report

10 Transitions: Stuart Cudlitz, Blondell Cummings, Elaine Summers

11 The Legacies of Elaine Summers, collected and edited by Jill Green and Ann Law, with contributions by Jill Green, Thomas Körtvélyessy, Ann Law, Juliette Mapp, and Kristine Marx

17 The Practice of Form- A class by Ralph Lemon, remembered by Aretha Aoki

21 Experiment and Experience – A historian and a dancer co-teach courses on the atomic bomb and mountaintop removal mining, by Eiko Otake and William Johnston

27 Simultaneous Translations – A conversation with Sherwood Chen and Margit Galanter

33 IWB = Improvising While Black – writings, INterventions, interruptions, questions, by mayfield brooks with interview by Karen Nelson for CQ

40 Still Moving—Contact Improvisation shoptalk & dialogue

Le Sabotage, A Strategy for Redirecting the Dance, by Stéphanie Auberville and Karen Schaffman

43 Essentials—Basic CI Principles & Practices

Awakening the Back Space, by Annie Brook

44 CI Newsletter—Contact Improvisation news & views

69 Dance Map Directory—contemporary dance & improvisation resources worldwide

74 Of Blondell Cummings, by Ishmael Houston-Jones