Practicing Composition: Making Practice

Authors: Kirsi Monni, Ric Allsopp
Publisher: Theatre Academy of the University of the Arts, Helsinki (2015)

Series: Kinesis 6
Paperback: 312 pages
Language: English
ISBN13: 978-952-6670-60-7

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This collection of texts reflects some of the different discourses, practices and approaches that were explored by the participants of the Erasmus Intensive Project (IP) Practicing Composition: Making Practice initiated and co-ordinated by the MA SODA (Solo/ Dance/ Authorship) programme at the Inter-University Centre for Dance (HZT), University of the Arts, Berlin (2011-2013). The IP aimed to provide a framework for the live, interactive sharing, discussion and analysis of dramaturgical, compositional and choreographic approaches to the making and composition of physically-based performance that are currently in use in a number of practice-led graduate dance and choreographic Master`s programmes in Europe. The book includes most of the keynote lectures that were held during the IPs, new dialogues that are inspired by the encounters as well as descriptions of the workshops. The articles and dialogues treat the IP themes on a more ontological level whereas the workshop descriptions document the practices, in transparent, generous and open access manner. Among the discussed topics are composition, poiesis, poetics, latency, assemblage, open form, formless, interruption, emergent choreography, collective learning environments, lecture performance, framed reality and post-identity politics.

The contributors are: Ric Allsopp, Niels Bovri, João DaSilva, Scott deLahunta, Ellen Jeffrey, Emilie Gallier, Konstantina Georgelou, Saara Hannula, Martin Hargreaves, Kiran Kumar, Miika Luoto, Sergiu Matis, Kirsi Monni, Sophia New, Mila Pavicevi?, Victoria Perez Royo, Goran Sergej Pristaš, Ari Tenhula, Jasna Zmak.
