The Flow and the Notion

Author: Anastasia Pilepchuk & Dmitry Paranyushkin
Publisher: Circadian (2020)

Paperback: 188 pages
Language: English
ISBN13: 978-3-947516-08-7

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This is a book on giving a voice to the streams, letting the streams take you with them, taking the streams with you, sharing discoveries along the way, filling in the blanks, creating the new empty spaces, and establishing a common practice with somebody you love.

It is comprised of the drawings made by Anastasia Pilepchuk and the texts written by Dmitry Paranyushkin during the last 6 years. We found that our approaches were somewhat complimentary: constructing the whole from the parts, creating multiple threads of meaning, bringing them together to form the new shapes and ideas that are polysingular at their core. We put it together as this book on Circadian, adding a short manual on establishing common practice at the introduction.